IO3: E-learning platform
The ELPIDA course ( is implemented in Moodle open-source learning platform.
The platform is multilingual, supporting seven languages (EN, EL, DA, DE, FR, NO, PT).
In response to the needs of users and their devices (desktop pcs, laptops, tablets, mobiles), a Responsive Web Design approach was followed. The course adapts the layout to the viewing environment. As a result, the content renders well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.
Potential students will have to follow a simple 2-step registration/enrolment procedure by creating an account for the Moodle platform while a system administrator give them access to the language course of their preference.
The training material, available in seven languages (Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Norwegian and Portuguese) offers the flexibility of distance learning. The content is organized in six stand-alone modules aiming to respond to learning objectives for training, awareness raising and/or attitude change in the areas of Human Rights, Communication, Stress Management, Transition to Adulthood, Sexual Health, Ageing.
Each stand-alone module is provided in the form of a “book” divided in chapters / sub-chapters. It also includes glossary of terms, suggestions on related to the theme/topic activities and, in most cases, external resources (embedded in the “book”).The modules are completed with a forum discussion function and contain pre-cpurse and post-course evaluation instrumentation for the learners interaction with the modules contents. Learners’ responses to these short questionnaires will be used to upgrade the contents, the method of presentation and the method of delivery of the ELPIDA Course.
For the English version, the responsible module development/partner facilitates the course. For the linguistic versions, responsible are the language partners who act as an intermediary between the learners and the content developer.
The project partners believe that knowledge gained/to be gained through this educational platform has a positive impact on people with ID and contributes to a better transition to adulthood, social inclusion, and better quality of life in general.