Striving towards empowering family members to support the needs of persons with intellectual disability (PWID) under the scope of improving the quality of their lives.
ELPIDA aims to provide family members of PWID with the necessary skills and knowledge in order for them to feel more confident to provide support and empowerment to children of all ages with ID. This goal is being achieved through the development of a free-to-use e-learning platform comprised of six stand-alone interactive educational modules providing more training, awareness raising and/or attitude change on the key areas of Human Rights, Communication, Stress Management, Transition to Adulthood, Sexual Health and Ageing that have been identified with the active engagement of family members of PWID.
The training material, available in seven languages (Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Norwegian and Portuguese), offers the flexibility of distance learning. Each stand-alone module is provided in the form of a “book” divided in chapters / sub-chapters. It also includes glossary of terms, suggestions on related to the theme/topic activities and, in most cases, external resources (embedded in the “book”).The modules are completed with a forum discussion function. It is envision that the discussion forum will serve as the space for the emergence of a European Community on ELPIDA’s thematic orientation.
The project partners believe that knowledge gained / to be gained through this educational platform has a positive impact on people with ID and contributes to a better transition to adulthood, social inclusion, and better quality of life in general.
Modules overview
Human rights
Human rights as well as the human rights of people with disabilities are basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language or other status. It is important to know your rights in order to be able to exercise them!
When you have a deeper look into issues you are having, very often you will realise that the base of the problem is rooted in bad communication. This module's activities are aiming at helping learners to be engaged in their child’s life in a more conscious way and to be able to live and work together with others.
Stress Management
Stress is present in our daily-life. Short-term stress makes it possible for us to react and act well in those situations. Long-term stress represents on the other hand a threat to health, which among other things can resolve in depression, anxiety and chronical diseases.
Families with a child with intellectual and developmental disabilities, often have a higher long-term stress level.
Transition to adulthood
Every person experiences a multitude of transitions in the course of his life. The transition to adulthood is one of the hardest. Young people with an intellectual disability face additional challenges and barriers. For this transition to succeed, this learning module contains suggestions and knowledge on how to make this transition successful and what contribution the social support system can make.
Sexual Health
All over the world, knowledge and understanding of the role and part sexuality is in everyday life, have been developed. The integration of sexuality in human rights and the role states takes in respecting, protecting and fulfilling sexual rights, represents a quite new view.
The purpose of this module is to strengthen parents (and others) competence to talk with people with intellectual disabilities (ID) about sexual health, as well as to provide autonomy and self-knowledge to people with ID.
In order to promote well-being and quality of life in elderly people with intellectual disabilities, information about aging, as well as practical support in health, psychological and social issues are needed. Main topics in this module are the ageing process, friendship and socialisation, health and end of life.